
Rather than clicking and sorting through hundreds or thousands of files, Speclarifier™️ extracts, analyzes, and categorizes the data and technical standard for you. Forget about the complicated process, let Speclarifier™️ do the paperwork for you.

Why you need Speclarifier™️

Check out some pain points that bother people like you...

Amount of Documentations

When carrying out a project involving multiple parties, the company faces a significant volume of documents that need to be analyzed and processed. These documents often involve different departments and multiple versions of historical data, each in a unique format. The manual analysis of these documents is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Unstructured Documentations

The document contains complex information, messy data, and lacks a unified structure and standards. The vital information that needs to be extracted is often dispersed throughout the text, necessitating thorough reading in order to comprehend the content.

Manual or Machine Errors

Missing information is likely to occur during manual data analysis, and errors are more prone to happen when dealing with a large number of documents. While basic rule algorithms can partially assist in keyword matching, achieving high adaptability is challenging due to the inability to comprehend contextual semantics.


An Intelligent Document Processing Solution designed for your Engineering Teams

Fine-tuned for Electrical Engineering Design

From Technical Standard to Datasheets, Speclarifier™️ have all of that covered

With its utilization of a vast repository of data and extensive collection of engineering documents, Speclarifier™️ has successfully fine-tuned its model to excel in the realm of engineering. This specialized optimization enables Speclarifier™️ to outperform pre-trained models with a general application, particularly when it comes to tackling specific tasks within the engineering field. The depth of knowledge gained from the vast amount of engineering-centric data empowers Speclarifier™️ to provide more accurate and precise insights, making it an invaluable tool for engineers and professionals in the industry.

Friendly User Interface

Just text Speclarifier™️ when you have questions , as if it is like your personal assistant.

Forget about the cumbersome search steps of the past. Ctrl+F? Then scrolling through all the highlighted matches? Let Speclarifier™️ do the work for you. You can search for the technical information you need from a vast amount of technical documentation as if you were chatting. This allows you to focus on the work itself.

How can you benefit from Speclarifier™️

Efficiency Boost

Utilizing pre-training model technology, it offers comprehensive intelligent automation assistance for various document analysis scenarios. In specific circumstances, it can collaborate with manual intervention to enhance work efficiency while ensuring optimal outcomes.

Less Error

Significantly enhance the mitigation of errors commonly encountered during manual analysis of extensive textual content. With its capability to comprehend the semantic context, it can proficiently address language expression situations that traditional keyword matching rule algorithms struggle to handle adequately.

Less Maintenance Cost

Speclarifier™️ possesses robust task generalization abilities and is capable of adapting to new content resulting from standard modifications to a considerable extent. In instances where there are significant changes in tech specifications, only minor maintenance is necessary to accommodate the new scenario.

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e.g. ISO, IEC, GB, IEEE.